ジェニー・モレンのインスタグラム(jennymollen) - 3月19日 05時41分

My nephew chowing down on salted grasshoppers! Proving once again that eating preferences are about exposure. (Im adding something to this caption based on the number of responses im getting. My original sentiment wasn’t meant to shame mothers with picky eaters. I am talking about exposure and how we determine what „normal“ is based on our environment. This wasn’t meant to be a post about how much or little your kids are eating. But rather a comment on how any food can be normalized if it is around enough. Note that I said „normalized“ not necessarily consumed... but with time ideally.
I struggle with feeding my kids like anybody else. I stuff veggies into my son‘s lunch that I know he won’t touch. But I’m okay with his refusal to eat certain things. I am okay with failing bc even in failing I am winning simply by influencing what he thinks normal is.
So this note is just to let you know that I hear you. I know it’s hard. I see you trying. I’m trying too. But being defeated sounds like surrender and I’m not going down without a fight.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




