A lot of people may have seen my climbing in finals of @thenorthfacecup and I was thinking whether I should write about it or not because negative thing/thought never helps...but I need to notify for those who are looking forward to see my climbing in the competitions. * when I was trying on some volumes, need a slight balance type of things, my foot suddenly slipped off and I felt something wrong with my left shoulder right away. After some time has passed, my pain was increasing and I couldn’t stay in the right frame of mind. Besides, I injured my right shoulder 6 month previous from that and I was still in the process of regaining confidence in myself and regaining my shoulder strength back. But bad things tend to happen one after another... I can’t even move my arm right now because there is still inflammation. I don’t know how long it takes to recover. I really wanted to take part in the first two World Cups(Meiringen/Moscow)... I’m shocked and so sad about it. A lot is going on in my mind right now...it is like a mental game. but I never give up...! I must say thank you to everyone who messaged me and listened to me. I feel like there will be always someone who support me when I feel like giving up❤️😢 * * #tnfc2019 のファイナルを見ていた方はご存知だと思いますが、競技中に足を滑らせ、その瞬間に肩に直ぐ痛みを感じ、登りを中断するという選択をしました。6ヶ月程前に右肩を痛めていて、表にはあまり出さずにいましたが、軽い練習内容でもこなすのが精一杯で、メンタル的にも厳しい期間がありました。そこから徐々に強さと自信を取り戻し、フィーリングも良かったのですが、次は左…。 流石にショックでした。 今はまだ炎症もあり腕はあまり動かせません。ものすごく楽しみにしていた初戦のワールドカップも諦めざるを得えない状況です。 * ネガティブな”事や考え”は何の助けにもならないので、このことを書くかも悩みましたが、私のクライミングを楽しみに思っていてくれる方にしっかりと伝えるべきだと思い、書きました。 過去を振り返ったところで何も変わらないので、とにかく今は治療に専念し、一刻も早く競技に戻れるように頑張るのみです。 心配してメッセージを下さった方々、ありがとうございました😌素早いサポート・対応をして下さったチームには改めて感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです! Photo by @rollfilm_suck

nonaka_mihoさん(@nonaka_miho)が投稿した動画 -

野中生萌のインスタグラム(nonaka_miho) - 3月12日 12時04分

A lot of people may have seen my climbing in finals of @thenorthfacecup and I was thinking whether I should write about it or not because negative thing/thought never helps...but I need to notify for those who are looking forward to see my climbing in the competitions.
when I was trying on some volumes, need a slight balance type of things, my foot suddenly slipped off and I felt something wrong with my left shoulder right away.
After some time has passed, my pain was increasing and I couldn’t stay in the right frame of mind. Besides, I injured my right shoulder 6 month previous from that and I was still in the process of regaining confidence in myself and regaining my shoulder strength back. But bad things tend to happen one after another...
I can’t even move my arm right now because there is still inflammation. I don’t know how long it takes to recover. I really wanted to take part in the first two World Cups(Meiringen/Moscow)...
I’m shocked and so sad about it. A lot is going on in my mind right now...it is like a mental game. but I never give up...! I must say thank you to everyone who messaged me and listened to me. I feel like there will be always someone who support me when I feel like giving up❤️😢
#tnfc2019 のファイナルを見ていた方はご存知だと思いますが、競技中に足を滑らせ、その瞬間に肩に直ぐ痛みを感じ、登りを中断するという選択をしました。6ヶ月程前に右肩を痛めていて、表にはあまり出さずにいましたが、軽い練習内容でもこなすのが精一杯で、メンタル的にも厳しい期間がありました。そこから徐々に強さと自信を取り戻し、フィーリングも良かったのですが、次は左…。
心配してメッセージを下さった方々、ありがとうございました😌素早いサポート・対応をして下さったチームには改めて感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです! Photo by @rollfilm_suck


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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