窓をエネルギー源として 折り紙をアイデアとした商品がコンドミニアム居住者の窓をエネルギー源に変えてくれそうです。 窓から太陽エネルギーを生み出すコーティング技術が現在ありますが、部屋を暗くしてしまい、効率的ではありません。オーストラリアのデザイン会社、Prevalentが日本のメーカーと共同で開発したSoligamiは、独特の折り紙風の折り目を使用して複数のパネルにまたがって光を当て、大量のエネルギーを発生させます。ソーラーパネルを取りつけられないコンドミニアムの在住者にとっては朗報となりそうです! https://www.fastcompany.com/90303314/this-origami-screen-turns-your-windows-into-solar-panels-without-blocking-light?utm_source=postup&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Fast%20Company%20Daily&position=2&partner=newsletter&campaign_date=02092019 Windows as Solar Panel The unique origami-inspired solar panel has the potential to turn windows into a source of electricity for any apartment dweller.  While there are currently coatings that can generate solar energy from windows, they darken rooms and aren't particularly efficient. Soligami, developed by Australia-based design firm Prevalent working with Japanese manufacturer, would hang like a drape and use unique origami-inspired folds to bounce light around across multiple panels, generating large amounts of energy. Good news for the residents of condominiums who cannot install solar panels! #インテリアデザイン #ソーラー発電 #快適な家 #おしゃれな家 #interiordesign #solarsystem #environmentaldesign #stylishlife

ventus_design_hawaiiさん(@ventus_design_hawaii)が投稿した動画 -

Reiko Lewisのインスタグラム(ventus_design_hawaii) - 3月11日 14時05分

Windows as Solar Panel
The unique origami-inspired solar panel has the potential to turn windows into a source of electricity for any apartment dweller.  While there are currently coatings that can generate solar energy from windows, they darken rooms and aren't particularly efficient. Soligami, developed by Australia-based design firm Prevalent working with Japanese manufacturer, would hang like a drape and use unique origami-inspired folds to bounce light around across multiple panels, generating large amounts of energy. Good news for the residents of condominiums who cannot install solar panels!

#インテリアデザイン #ソーラー発電 #快適な家 #おしゃれな家
#interiordesign #solarsystem #environmentaldesign #stylishlife

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