スーパーカーで子供たちに夢を運ぶ「MZSC Kids」最終日!! プロジェクトメンバーのやまけん・横溝です。 昨日は福島県本宮市の公立小学校で開催しました! 雪がちらちらと舞う中、夢中で描くブガッティ・シロン。昼休みの質問コーナーでは、この日もたくさんの子どもたちが集まってくれ、電動カートでもたくさんの笑顔を見せてくれました! 校長先生をはじめ先生方、各関係者の皆さま、今回お呼びいただきありがとうございました。 3/11(月)は福魂祭@ビッグパレットふくしまにて子どもたちの作品とともにシロンを展示します! Day 3(The Final Day) : MZ Supercar project meets Fukkonsai Festival in Fukushima!!! Our last journey in Fukushima took place at a public elementary school in Motomiya-city. Kids got absorbed in their sketch books drawing the Chiron outside campus despite the snowy weather. Lots of big smiles were captured with electric karts during the MZSC Kids Driving School, and many excited hands raised for questions. Our deepest gratitude towards the headmaster, teachers and staffs for inviting us and making this day a super successful one!!! Drawings by kids and Bugatti Chiron will be exhibited during the Fukkonsai Festival at Big Palette on Monday, 11th March. #mzsupercar #MZSCkids #福島 #本宮 #五百川小学校 #福魂祭 #ブガッティ #シロン #Bugatti #Chiron #スーパーカー

mzsupercarさん(@mzsupercar)が投稿した動画 -

前澤友作のインスタグラム(mzsupercar) - 3月9日 15時50分

スーパーカーで子供たちに夢を運ぶ「MZSC Kids」最終日!! プロジェクトメンバーのやまけん・横溝です。



Day 3(The Final Day) : MZ Supercar project meets Fukkonsai Festival in Fukushima!!! Our last journey in Fukushima took place at a public elementary school in Motomiya-city. Kids got absorbed in their sketch books drawing the Chiron outside campus despite the snowy weather. Lots of big smiles were captured with electric karts during the MZSC Kids Driving School, and many excited hands raised for questions.
Our deepest gratitude towards the headmaster, teachers and staffs for inviting us and making this day a super successful one!!! Drawings by kids and Bugatti Chiron will be exhibited during the Fukkonsai Festival at Big Palette on Monday, 11th March.

#mzsupercar #MZSCkids #福島 #本宮 #五百川小学校 #福魂祭 #ブガッティ #シロン #Bugatti #Chiron #スーパーカー


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



