Esto está pasando ???... El método de "Crush" consiste en colocar un elefante en un establo o jaula fuerte, atado con cuerdas para evitar que el elefante se mueva para que sea incapaz de patear, levantar o balancear su cabeza. Se abusa de los elefantes salvajes para aplastar su espíritu y domesticarlos para hacerlos sumisos a sus entrenadores humanos con el fin de entretener a Turistas. ¡Desgarrador! - - #Repost @karmagawa ・・・ ⚠ warning graphic image ⚠ Karmagawa has just begun a project to raise awareness about the huge problem of "crushing elephants", where wild elephants are abused to crush their spirit and tame them to make them submissive to their coaches Humans in order to entertain tourists. The "Crush" method consists of placing an elephant in a stable or strong cage, tied with ropes to prevent the elephant from moving, including being unable to kick, lift or balance its head. This disgusting animal abuse must stop and we must do everything possible to end this flagrant abuse of animals as soon as possible! Please share this post, and our upcoming posts on this topic, with your followers and label someone who needs to see this to help spread awareness about this obnoxious practice so that people everywhere, especially tourists , you can learn what happens before you ride an elephant or see an elephant painting... When enough people know about this issue sadly not-widely discussed and we all talk together on social networks, we can enact real and lasting change and elephants everywhere will live happier, healthier lives! #savetheelephants #elephantlove #karmagawa

stefaniafernandezkさん(@stefaniafernandezk)が投稿した動画 -

ステファニア・フェルナンデスのインスタグラム(stefaniafernandezk) - 3月8日 10時25分

Esto está pasando ???... El método de "Crush" consiste en colocar un elefante en un establo o jaula fuerte, atado con cuerdas para evitar que el elefante se mueva para que sea incapaz de patear, levantar o balancear su cabeza. Se abusa de los elefantes salvajes para aplastar su espíritu y domesticarlos para hacerlos sumisos a sus entrenadores humanos con el fin de entretener a Turistas. ¡Desgarrador! - -
#Repost @karmagawa ・・・ ⚠ warning graphic image ⚠ Karmagawa has just begun a project to raise awareness about the huge problem of "crushing elephants", where wild elephants are abused to crush their spirit and tame them to make them submissive to their coaches Humans in order to entertain tourists. The "Crush" method consists of placing an elephant in a stable or strong cage, tied with ropes to prevent the elephant from moving, including being unable to kick, lift or balance its head. This disgusting animal abuse must stop and we must do everything possible to end this flagrant abuse of animals as soon as possible! Please share this post, and our upcoming posts on this topic, with your followers and label someone who needs to see this to help spread awareness about this obnoxious practice so that people everywhere, especially tourists , you can learn what happens before you ride an elephant or see an elephant painting... When enough people know about this issue sadly not-widely discussed and we all talk together on social networks, we can enact real and lasting change and elephants everywhere will live happier, healthier lives! #savetheelephants #elephantlove #karmagawa


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