デビッド・ポーコックのインスタグラム(davidpocock) - 3月8日 08時26分

This International Womens Day I'm grateful for all the incredible women in my life.
And thinking of the women Em and I lived alongside in Zimbabwe in 2017. Hard working, resilient, funny and incredibly poor. While we have necessary conversations here about women's political representation, the gender pay gap, and violence against women, I hope we also have room to remember women all over the world living in poverty who are and will be first and worst affected by climate change.

A poem by @emmaawpocock
There she stands
at the roadside;
ragged skirt, bare feet.

A bag of her belongings
nestled next to her
as she clutches in her arms
a packet of cornflakes
the size of her torso,
staring at the traffic
shooting down a road
speckled with potholes,
lined with bush and goats,
homesteads and small fires,
breakdowns and roadblocks.

Hoping for a lift,
or waiting for a taxi
to take her back
to a small mud house
somewhere down that road.
A house she has little chance
of ever leaving.
This is her home.
Dreams constrained
by mud walls,
by the grass thatch overhead,
by the high school too far
and too expensive.

These cornflakes a kind of luxury
that mark the strain
of rural life hidden from view.

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