イネス・リグロンのインスタグラム(inesligron) - 2月25日 05時35分

I remember how Japanese women used to love Chanel.... they would dress from head to toes in Chanel, to feel important and rich. I used to tell them that Chanel did not like them in return, because it made them look old, short and square.... Actually, I certainely do not think Lagerfeld really liked women. It is impossible to watch his work and think he did. His models looked famined adolescents. In a world that is pure hierarchy, he had the power of a medieval pope, and he could have used it to make fashion less exclusionary, and more joyful. I still wish him to rest in peace. Undeniably, he is a legend who could create 14 collections per year, totally insane! #karllagerfeld dies at 85 and donates his wealth to his cat Choupette ?


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