真珠・野沢オークライヤーのインスタグラム(shinju_auclair) - 2月14日 04時42分

Make sure your trainer knows what’s up and is staying sharp with all the latest info. There’s a lotta wacks out there ☺️ @performforlife has got the best of the best!
#Repost @coach_bwoo with @get_repost
All athletes, clients, humans etc need balance in their lives. Why not incorporate it in your exercises.
Stability exercises, forces you to be aware of your surroundings so that your don’t fall on your face. Whether you’re hiking, playing sports, or trying to avoid the ditches in the sf streets- adding these types of exercise will be useful.
When you are forced to be in a unilateral position or on one foot- it is important to maintain full contact of your foot with the ground. Once this becomes less challenging, quicker movements can be incorporated.
#balanceiskey #stability #equilibrium #performforlife #athletes #fastfebruary #exercise #growth #development #motivate #gymmotivation


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