ジマーマンのインスタグラム(zimmermann) - 2月12日 05時18分

First Look: “I was thinking about the world of espionage and came across the story of the Nancy Wake, who grew up in Australia, and later became a spy in Europe during WW2. Known as the White Mouse - because she was so hard to catch - Wake became a leading figure in the French resistance, assisting the escape of the thousands of persecuted people and later working as an operative of the Allied forces. For me the work of a spy evoked a mood of subterfuge and sabotage. And this story really set off my imagination - a mysterious and brave woman, a chameleon who moves around in secrecy, strong and resilient, always evasive so as to never be caught. I loved the idea of such a feminine, skillful and selfless figure - a woman who helped people in the most difficult of circumstances. Her story just sounded pretty amazing to me and was a rich source of inspiration for the collection.’ x Nicky Zimmermann #fall19 #EYESPY #nyfwzimmermann #zimmermann


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