ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 2月6日 13時06分

Photo by @noralorek | Anton Ladu is training with his homemade weights in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement in Uganda. He and his family have been living here since 2016. When arriving from South Sudan, every family was given a plot, the material to build a home, and a few things like plastic mats to sleep on. After 18 months, most of the mats were worn out. A few women had been able to sell parts of their food rations and buy real mattresses and provide their children with clothes, soap, and books for school.
According to UNHCR, 60 percent of refugees fleeing South Sudan are children. As in all Ugandan refugee settlements, the young population in Bidibidi is high; many classes have up to 250 pupils, and big families grow even further when a child loses his or her parents and is taken in by others. Bidibidi is, with its more than 270,000 people, considered one of the world's largest refugee settlements.


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