「牛玉山観音寺」長谷川優副住職とのコラボコレクション 【draw a "VANQUISH" by 長谷川優】が1月26日(土)よりスタート 御朱印ブームが加熱する中、愛知・津島市の観音寺では、3ページに渡る大迫力の御朱印を描いてもらえる。 御朱印帳に不動明王や観音菩薩、他にも弘法大師や風神・雷神などを下書きなしで描き上げるという。 使用する筆は10種類以上あり、歯ブラシなども駆使して躍動感を表現する。 今回はそんな唯一無二の御朱印を担当する長谷川優副住職に「VANQUISH®」をテーマに制作を依頼。 繊細なタッチながらも迫力ある風神・雷神や中央に存在感を放つ唯我独尊の文字など正に我道を行く「VANQUISH®」らしい作品に仕上がった。 【長谷川優】 他に類を見ない「御朱印」を描く牛玉山観音寺の長谷川優副住職。 SNSや口コミで話題となり、御朱印を求め海外からも多くの参拝者が訪れるという。 ——————————————— ■Long-sleeve shirt/¥8,000 ■Sweatshirt/¥10,000 ■Hoodie/¥12,000 ■Coach jacket/¥14,000 ——————————————— "Goouzan Kannonji" Collaboration collection with Yu Hasegawa 【Draw a "VANQUISH" by Yu Hasegawa】 started As the red ink stamp boom is heating, there is a red ink stamp that the queue was waiting 3 hours and became a complete reservation system. At Kanonji temple in Tsushima-shi, Aichi prefecture, vice chief priest paint the red ink stamp over 3 pages in front of you. Draw up Acala,Kannon Bodhisattva,wind god and thunder god in stampbook without draft. There are more than 10 types of brushes to use, and toothbrushes etc. are used to express the feeling of dynamism. This time We asked Yu Hasegawa vice chief priest who is responsible for such one and only red ink stamp for the work under the theme of "VANQUISH®". It is finished in a work that seems to be "VANQUISH®" that goes on my way exactly like delicate touch but also a powerful wind god · thunder god and letters of 唯我独尊 which gives a presence in the center. Yu Hasegawa He draw up unparalleled red ink stamp. It is talked about in SNS and word of mouth, seeking a red ink stamp, and many visitors come from abroad. #VANQUISH #vanquishjp #shibuya #御朱印 #観音寺 #長谷川優

vanquishjpさん(@vanquishjp)が投稿した動画 -

ヴァンキッシュのインスタグラム(vanquishjp) - 1月25日 20時16分

【draw a "VANQUISH" by 長谷川優】が1月26日(土)よりスタート



■Long-sleeve shirt/¥8,000
■Coach jacket/¥14,000
"Goouzan Kannonji" Collaboration collection with Yu Hasegawa
【Draw a "VANQUISH" by Yu Hasegawa】 started

As the red ink stamp boom is heating, there is a red ink stamp that the queue was waiting 3 hours and became a complete reservation system.
At Kanonji temple in Tsushima-shi, Aichi prefecture, vice chief priest paint the red ink stamp over 3 pages in front of you.
Draw up Acala,Kannon Bodhisattva,wind god and thunder god in stampbook without draft.
There are more than 10 types of brushes to use, and toothbrushes etc. are used to express the feeling of dynamism.

This time We asked Yu Hasegawa vice chief priest who is responsible for such one and only red ink stamp for the work under the theme of "VANQUISH®". It is finished in a work that seems to be "VANQUISH®" that goes on my way exactly like delicate touch but also a powerful wind god · thunder god and letters of 唯我独尊 which gives a presence in the center.

Yu Hasegawa
He draw up unparalleled red ink stamp.
It is talked about in SNS and word of mouth, seeking a red ink stamp, and many visitors come from abroad.
#VANQUISH #vanquishjp #shibuya
#御朱印 #観音寺 #長谷川優


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



