TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 1月17日 11時50分

#Nature loves to make things #round: planets, soap bubbles, oranges, eyeballs, the circular swirl of a spinning hurricane. A lot of forces are at play in favoring natural circles and spheres—the equalizing force of air pressure pushing out or gravity pulling in; the rotation of the #Earth, creating vortices in air; the evolutionary imperative of efficient packaging. The power of the round is in the news again, with the appearance of a massive, rotating ice disk in the Presumpscot River in Westbrook, #Maine. The disk was first noticed on Jan. 14, spinning in a lazy, counterclockwise direction. On social media, the ice circle was an instant sensation. Ice circles are rare but hardly unheard of. What makes this one special is its size: 300 ft. in diameter, or 10 times bigger than the common 30-footers. Read about how they’re formed—big or small—on TIME.com. Video source: City of Westbrook


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