ミシェル・クワンのインスタグラム(michellewkwan) - 1月15日 05時09分

Get up. Keep going.

You know you are on the path to success when you fall, get back up and learn from your mistakes. It makes me think of the @malcolmgladwell book 'Outliers' and his 10,000-hour rule, citing it as “the magic number of greatness” in order to be extraordinarily proficient in a certain subject or skill.
So, how many falls & failures does it take to succeed in figure skating? If I do a calculation of how many falls I took in a 10-year period from the time I was 5 years old (when I started skating) to 15 years old (when I won my first world championship), on average, I fell approximately 6 times an hour (more when I was a kid, of course?), 4 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year (yes, I even skated on Christmas and the holidays...however, there were a few day when I was probably sick or traveling! But it’s a guesstimate?)...in that 10-year time period, it equals over 87,000 falls!!!! My motivation these days is to remind myself that falling is part of the process in any endeavor. No matter how scary it is and how much it hurts, we have to do it in order to achieve what we want in life.
It’s like what Thomas Edison said about how many failures it took to invent the light bulb, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." #wegetup


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