長洲未来のインスタグラム(mirainagasu) - 1月12日 13時34分

Just wanted to let all you shady lovelies know that my exact surgery date was September 25, 2018. I said to the media that I wasn’t doing the Grand Prix season because I knew I had to get surgery but it wasn’t something I was ready to share publicly. I love that I have a direct outreach to all of you but at the same time, since it was my first major surgery, I retreated from social media because I was scared. Surgery is not an easy or fast recovery. Since nationals is coming up, I figured it was time to share the reason why I’m not going to be competing at my favorite event. Nevertheless, I’ll be at the @littlecaesarsarena so make sure you use code “FSDETROIT” to support @figureskatingindetroit to get your tickets. #uschampionships #figureskating


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