unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 1月11日 01時31分

“Her name is Lulu. She’s a gift from my mom so she’s very important. I love her!” Iman, 13, holds her doll in Za’atari Refugee Camp. “We brought her here from Syria. When I was little and upset, my parents would give me this toy and I would stop crying.” Iman tells us. “I feel safe as long as Lulu is with me. When the war started and there was shooting, I used to hug her to feel safe.” These days, having Lulu near still makes Iman feel better whenever she is afraid or sad. She keeps her hidden but still lets her little sister play with her. “I will keep Lulu forever.” #AChildIsAChild © UNICEF/UN0264947 & UN0264944/Herwig


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