Nikki Blackketterのインスタグラム(nikkiblackketter) - 1月7日 09時18分

6 days into the New Year.
A tumbleweed blows across my Instagram feed.
It’s there, I swear I saw it.
Small cobwebs grow in the corner, as followers scatter from the impending spiders that must be underneath.?
Why the radio silence?
Well, you see, filled with an urge to start 2019 off with some sort of BANG has caused me to instead, as I often do, critique and criticize myself to an unachievable point where nothing I have done or accomplished has been good enough.
Combining my harsh inner dialogue with a MacBook shipped away for repairs, a car also in the repair shop, and an exorbitant amount of just…well, snot running out of my nose, I have not had the most strong start to the New Year.
So here is a selfie of ya girl, somewhat downtrodden from the absense of the Christmas tree and cheer plus possible flu, but also filled with optimism on the year to come!
I hope to provide you with something worth your while content-wise, and also hope to be a little less hard on myself this time around.
Cheers to 2019!
6 days in, lezdoit xo


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