ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月4日 07時46分

Right on schedule, the #House gaveled in for the 116th #Congress on Thursday, with #Democrats now in control. The congressional freshman class of 2019 is the most racially diverse and most female group of representatives ever elected to the House. It also boasts an avalanche of firsts, from the first Native American congresswomen to the first Muslim congresswomen. In the House Chamber, lawmakers and their children and grandchildren waved from the well of the House to family members seated in the galleries above, and visitors clogged the hallways waiting to take their seats. On the other side of the #Capitol, the scene was more subdued as @ジョー・バイデン #MikePence administered the oath of office to more than 30 new senators. In total, the new class gives Senate #Republicans a slightly more durable majority, 53 to 47. @nytmills took this photo of @laurenaunderwood, @realjahanahayes and @ocasio2018 taking a selfie before being sworn in. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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