メーガン・デュアメルのインスタグラム(meaganduhamel) - 1月2日 08時20分

In the later part of 2018 I ended up discovering some painful and agonizing injuries to my upper body. From a torn labrum in my right shoulder, to a complete loss of cartilage, along with a herniated disc in my neck, I was (and still am) living in a constant state of pain. These problems have lead to muscle weakness, nerve problems, muscle spasms and migraines. I am rededicating myself to my health this year. To repair as much strength as I can and to try to lessen the daily pain. This starts with my yoga practice, through my breathe to my movement, yoga has the possibility to heal.

#takecareofyourself #yoga #injuredyogi #shoulderstretch #necksupport #yogaeverydamnday


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