ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 12月28日 23時43分

Waking up at 3am in a cold sweat with what I call the injury-night-terror ?. The gist of the nightmare is this: I consider myself the only injured person in the world ??‍♀️. I imagine that I am perma-injured. I think I’ll never climb hard again. ‘Catastrophising’ I think is the word. All the time forgetting the only one thing that’s always true: stuff is temporary. The good and the bad and actually (sorry to morbid) life itself. So best to just enjoy as much as possible right? Here is a pick of me in 2015 after my shoulder operation and my arms turned to lame sticks and my exercise bike was my best mate. A finger injury is way cooler than that! #aniccaforthosewhoknow @blackdiamond

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