ホリー・ホルムのインスタグラム(hollyholm) - 12月25日 18時25分

Christmas Eve has always been my favorite part of Christmas. Growing up I loved being in front of a lit Christmas tree at night when everything else was dark. I was also successful most years talking my parents into letting my brothers and I open half our gifts Christmas Eve. ....because it’s better of course! “Because the lights are pretty and it’s more cozy and fun” ??my brothers and I would make the couch bed so we could sleep next to it. No lie, I’ve still slept by it many years as an adult. The last two years I have been on a kick of no ornaments. Just lights and the tree ;)So I sit here enjoying it tonight... feeling happy and sending love and joy to all of you!! I also remind myself what a great celebration this is... Jeaus’ birth. Merry Merry Christmas!!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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