カーハートのインスタグラム(carhartt) - 12月21日 08時50分

We get a lot of requests for tips for beginning farmers, and while I haven’t quite condensed that down to two sentences with a pretty bow (I’m working on it) here are some things that hit home for me.
Grow something. Whether you have back yard raised beds, pots on your lanai or an allotment, grow something. Get your hands dirty.
Make mistakes. They are inevitable, just learn from them.
Learn. Volunteer on farms, help with a school garden, there are even internship opportunities at amazing farms like @full_belly_farm , or programs like @ucscfarm or @stonebarn. If you’re on the West Coast you can catch us slanging veggies at our markets this weekend, and there might even be some farm salsa and farm pepper jelly for last minute gifts.
#happyacrefarm #nopanicweorganic #carharttambassador #friendsofcarhartt


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