ケリー・マレーのインスタグラム(kelli_murray) - 12月17日 09時33分

Turning a year older this week! I always find myself reflecting this time of year.....what i accomplished, where i struggled, what I’m proud of, where i want to improve. I’ve never been one for big resolutions but I do find value in taking inventory of where I’m at (physically / emotionally) and what got me there. To be honest, this year was a STRUGGLE. Overwhelmed with health stuff which also took it’s toll emotionally. I’m still no where near where i want to be but as I look back through this hard year I see God’s hand in all of it. Sometimes I think it takes walking through really crazy hard seasons to be able to experience joy and gratitude to the fullest. I’ve found that when things get hard, if I jot down or just think about all the things I’m thankful for, it changes my perspective almost instantly. If you’re struggling through something right now, try it! I promise it helps! These three people are what I’m most thankful for and also my biggest motivation. 🙏🏻 somehow they all agreed to take a decent photo with me...basically all i wanted for my birthday ;)

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