バーニー・サンダースのインスタグラム(berniesanders) - 12月14日 07時18分

What the Senate did today is say that the United States Congress is sick and tired of abdicating its constitutional responsibility on matters of war. We will not continue to have our military posture dictated by a despotic, murderous regime in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi-led intervention in Yemen has resulted in the worst humanitarian crisis on Earth. That crisis is 85,000 children starving to death; 10,000 new cases of cholera every single week; and the United Nations telling us that Yemen is on the verge of imminent famine.

I want to thank my colleagues and the many people at the grassroots level who helped us pass this historic resolution. Today, 45 years after the passage of the War Powers Act, the U.S. Senate finally used that authority for the first time.


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