【情報解禁】大阪城公園に新設されたCOOL JAPAN PARK OOSAKA WWホールの大ホールにて2月25日より関西初NIPPONオリジナルレビュー『KEREN』に主演を務めさせて頂くことになりました‼️ 「笑っていいとも!」等伝説的大ヒットを生み出し続ける巨匠髙平哲郎先生脚本演出、振付にブロードウェイミュージカル「コーラスライン」演出振付トニー賞受賞のバイヨークリーさん、映画「座頭市」にご出演下駄タップを振付されたHIDEBOHさん、アクション指導にハリウッド映画「キルビル」にご出演殺陣指導もされた島口哲朗さん、マドンナや安室奈美恵さんのファイナルコンサートの演出も手掛けたMoment Factoryの世界最高峰のデジタルアートが豪華絢爛! 日本のみならずブロードウェイやシルクドソレイユでご活躍の方々まで、多才で魅力的なエンタテイナー達が歌い舞い踊り暴れまくります‼️ この信じられない程豪華なショーでメインキャラクターを演じることを心から誇りに思い誠心誠意生き抜いて参ります✨どんなことがあっても信じ、続けてきて良かったと今心の底から感じています。 このショーは海外のお客様にも楽しんで頂けるような演出なので、世界と日本を繋ぐ架け橋になれたら、こんなに幸せなことはありません。 最後に、私の中に光を見出して下さった髙平先生に心からのお礼を申し上げます。そして今までずっとずっと応援してくれているファンの皆様に心からの感謝を!いつも信じ支えてくれてありがとう!みんなのお陰なんです!見たこともないような夢の景色を一緒に見られることが今から楽しみです!愛を込めて❤️ 【Official Announcement】 I'd like to happily announce that I will be part of the original show『KEREN 』will be played at COOL JAPAN PARK OOSAKA WW HALL in the Osaka Castle Park. Very honored to be able to perform as the main character of this show. It is directed by one of the most legendary director/producer, Mr. Tetsuro Takahira alongside the highly regarded director/chreographer/Tony Award Winner of Broadway, Ms.Baayork Lee. Also it’s very special because it involves a lot of other highly recognized and talented people such as HIDEBOH who directed and performed on the well known tap dance scene of one of the most successful Japanese movies, "Zato Ichi", and Mr. Tetsuro Shimaguchi, the famous samurai artist, who choreographed sword action part of the movie "Kill Bill". The projection mapping of is made by Moment Factory, who created the digital art for MADONNA's Super Bowl show. All the performers are fantastic as well and not only performers from Japan but also from Broadway and Cirque Dusoleil are taking part of this show! 『KEREN』is not only for Japanese to see but its for everyone. One of my biggest dreams is to be the bridge between Japan and the world so I am so excited and feel very privileged to be part of this incredible show! At last, I would like to give a special thanks to Mr. Takahira because he found the value in me and also to my fans who have been supporting me this whole time. Thank you for being there for me...Without you guys, I would not be where I am now. Love

mana_itoさん(@mana_ito)が投稿した動画 -

伊東愛のインスタグラム(mana_ito) - 12月12日 22時08分

【情報解禁】大阪城公園に新設されたCOOL JAPAN PARK OOSAKA WWホールの大ホールにて2月25日より関西初NIPPONオリジナルレビュー『KEREN』に主演を務めさせて頂くことになりました‼️
「笑っていいとも!」等伝説的大ヒットを生み出し続ける巨匠髙平哲郎先生脚本演出、振付にブロードウェイミュージカル「コーラスライン」演出振付トニー賞受賞のバイヨークリーさん、映画「座頭市」にご出演下駄タップを振付されたHIDEBOHさん、アクション指導にハリウッド映画「キルビル」にご出演殺陣指導もされた島口哲朗さん、マドンナや安室奈美恵さんのファイナルコンサートの演出も手掛けたMoment Factoryの世界最高峰のデジタルアートが豪華絢爛!
【Official Announcement】
I'd like to happily announce that I will be part of the original show『KEREN 』will be played at COOL JAPAN PARK OOSAKA WW HALL in the Osaka Castle Park. Very honored to be able to perform as the main character of this show. It is directed by one of the most legendary director/producer, Mr. Tetsuro Takahira alongside the highly regarded director/chreographer/Tony Award Winner of Broadway, Ms.Baayork Lee.
Also it’s very special because it involves a lot of other highly recognized and talented people such as HIDEBOH who directed and performed on the well known tap dance scene of one of the most successful Japanese movies, "Zato Ichi", and Mr. Tetsuro Shimaguchi, the famous samurai artist, who choreographed sword action part of the movie "Kill Bill". The projection mapping of is made by Moment Factory, who created the digital art for MADONNA's Super Bowl show.
All the performers are fantastic as well and not only performers from Japan but also from Broadway and Cirque Dusoleil are taking part of this show! 『KEREN』is not only for Japanese to see but its for everyone. One of my biggest dreams is to be the bridge between Japan and the world so I am so excited and feel very privileged to be part of this incredible show!
At last, I would like to give a special thanks to Mr. Takahira because he found the value in me and also to my fans who have been supporting me this whole time. Thank you for being there for me...Without you guys, I would not be where I am now. Love


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



