ジェームズ・ヴァン・ダー・ビークのインスタグラム(vanderjames) - 12月12日 05時18分

Hey, here’s a #Firstworld #ParentingHack for you: Turn your dining room into an art/meditation room! First step: Have a dining room. Second step: Eat your meals in your kitchen. Third step: Be really good friends w/ design genius @エリン フェザーストン - like a really good friends - and do nice stuff for her to the point where she decides to transform the messiest disaster of a room in your house as a present, on a budget ❤️. Maybe she does it out of the goodness of her heart, maybe she does it because the room offends her sensibilities and she’s sick of dealing with the aesthetic when she visits. Doesn’t matter - point is, you have a room your kids love that makes your wife happy ? (Dreamcatcher by @vanderkimberly, Floating shelf built by me - “#DIY Saga” chronicled in my saved stories - if you check the tags, the rest of it is actually not too stupid expensive). Pics by @mollyktadams #interiors #homedecor

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