コーディー・ウォーカーのインスタグラム(codybwalker) - 12月6日 10時03分

Growing up people would ask, “what’s it like to be his brother?” I always shook my head and laughed never really understanding the question. “He’s a normal dude,” I would say. “He eats, sleeps and farts just like anyone else, you got a brother? It’s like that.” Now 5 years later I still miss him everyday. He influenced so much about me and taught me so many things. He would look me in the eye, hug me and say, “be good.” My family and I are proud of this documentary and are excited to share the EXTENDED version. Learn about the gun totin’ hippie like we knew him. Available now on DVD, OnDemand and iTunes. #proudfamily #proudbrother #iamPaulWalker #documentary #PaulWalker #reachoutworldwide


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