マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 12月6日 08時33分

I love opening the mail this time of year cause you never know what your going to receive. I can’t believe it’s already been 10 YEARS since @marvelstudios released IronMan1. Who would have guessed from that would spin basically a whole new genre of film. Before that first Ironman, studios would never know how a “comic” themed film would do. 10 years of films and everyone of them breaking 100 million at the box office and most of them close in on a Billion dollar box offices is mind blowing. It’s been an honor to play a small part in a large organism, and main thing is that it’s been such a fun ride and have worked with so many amazing, talented people. Here is to another decade of new and old Superhero’s and their misfit sidekicks. @marvelstudios @Marvel Entertainment @Walt Disney Studios


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