ティーガン・プレスリーのインスタグラム(msteagan) - 11月30日 03時43分

So...we are going to give this one more try. Someone reported my picture from before because the very faint line of my nipple was showing or for whatever haterade reason.
So, I corrected it.
Hopefully, no mommy shamers will report it again.
I’m very proud to show off my pregnant body especially in a 4th pregnancy/3rd child kind of way.
Going through this process is definitely a process. It’s been 11 years since I’ve gone through it. It is like riding a bike but it’s also as if I had blocked out the past and I can’t remember anything of the process and just as terrifying as if it’s the first time.
From having a flat tummy for over a decade to having an instant belly is definitely a change of scenery when you look down. I know there’s not a preggo belly in sight from this angle, but it is there. Just wait until I turn sideways.
Whether women or men we should all support each other and not hide behind our keyboards and report them just because someone isn’t their cup of tea or preference for what they do in or with their life or body. Especially when there are people posting a lot of worse stuff than me. Go find them. Hahah.

#teaganpresley #thursday #pregnant #leggings #bumplife #preggo #love #wifey #happiness #mom #bellywatch #momlife


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