Andrew Knappのインスタグラム(andrewknapp) - 11月17日 03時22分

I remember the first time I tried to meditate. I think I’d heard about it in a magazine or a book. I was in my bedroom and I closed my door and sat facing a wall and closed my eyes and set a timer for 15 minutes. I started breathing and listened to my young buzzing mind. I had to be sneaky about it because my overly religious mom would most certainly scold me. I remember her disapproval when I shared my interest in eastern religions. She shook her head when I told her I was leaving for a 10 day silent meditation retreat. I think we were making progress before she passed.⁣

I’m no zen master now. More often than not I turn to my vices instead of turning to meditation. Like anything, it’s a practice. The more you can do it, the more you get back. But there’s no milestone that says you’re done meditating or practicing mindfulness, not as long as your heart is still beating. I find a lot of peace in it, and I’m trying to practice it again. Funny that one of the best things a person can do for their mental health is as little as possible.⁣

What’s your meditation? How do you challenge your vices?


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