ランドール・スラヴィンのインスタグラム(randallslavin) - 11月13日 01時53分

Israel Del Toro. In 2005, US. Air Force Master Sgt. Israel Del Toro, Jr. was severely injured when his Humvee hit an IED in Afghanistan. He lost most of his fingers and suffered third degree burns on more than 80% of his body. He spent nearly three months in a coma. Doctors told Del Toro that he had a 15 percent chance of survival and that he’d likely never walk or breathe on his own again. In May 2006 less than a year after the incident ‘DT’ was walking & breathing on his own. That same year he was awarded the Purple Heart for his bravery. Today he is Master Sergeant And is the first 100% combat disabled Air Force technician to re-enlist. He currently works as a terminal attack controller instructor. You humble me Master Sergeant Del Toro. I salute you this Veterans Day. #happyveteransday


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