テイラー・ヒルのインスタグラム(taylor_hill) - 11月12日 00時22分

THIS. WOMAN. @ベハティ・プリンスルー you are my idol, my soulmate, and the biggest weirdo I’ve ever met. Meeting you has been a gift and a blessing in my life. When I first met you in Rome I knew I found a friend for life. You’re quirky, weird, and seriously so hilarious and cool. You are always yourself no matter what and you inspire me to always be who I am. I’ve always felt a little insecure for being weird, awkward and nerdy, then I met you! Thank you for being so unapologetically yourself and for inspiring young women and girls to love themselves and be who they are. You’re an incredible role model, mother, and friend. I f*cking love you. (Oh and I’m OBSESSED with you, it’s not healthy 😂)

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