Huffington Postのインスタグラム(huffpost) - 11月10日 08時20分

Lucy McBath just won a Georgia House seat in a major upset. She was thrust into the national spotlight in 2012, when her black 17-year-old son, Jordan Davis, was shot dead at a Florida gas station by a white man complaining about loud music. The killer claimed he was justified under Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, but a jury convicted him of first-degree murder. McBath later became a spokesperson for gun safety group Moms Demand Action. This week, she won her race for Congress in Georgia’s long-red 6th District toppling GOP incumbent Karen Handel in an unexpected victory. McBath declared victory in the very tight race, reported the Atlanta Journal Constitution, though Handel didn’t concede until Thursday morning. McBath became particularly involved in gun control activism after the Parkland, Florida, school mass shooting in February, she set her sights on Congress. “I knew that I could no longer sit on the sidelines,” McBath wrote on her campaign site, “while the politicians in the pocket of the gun manufacturing lobby decide the future of our gun laws.” McBath was part of a record wave of women ― specifically women of color ― nominated for public office in the 2018 elections. On Thursday, she joined the unprecedented number of women to be elected to the U.S. House. // ?: Getty Images


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