thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 11月5日 22時11分

Photo by @pedromcbride (Pete McBride) // It is shocking to hear that China has decided to reverse its 25-year-old ban on the sale and use of rhinoceros and tiger products. The reversal allows for these products to be used in medical research or healing, which have long since proven to have no benefits to humans. Overturning the ban would allow poachers and smugglers to hide behind any legalised trade. Wild tiger and rhino populations are remarkably low, with fewer than 4,000 tigers and 30,000 rhinos remaining in the wild today. Image #1 @lewa_wildlife. Photo #2 @nrt_kenya members keep a protective eye on their black rhino orphan, one of 15 rhinos at the locally-run Sera Conservancy which is working with #lewa to bring back these animals after poachers wiped them from area. #conservation #rhino #nature #petemcbride


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