#atsushizm 大阪公演‼️京セラドーム2日間ありがとうございました‼️今回のライブは何か、感慨深いモノがある。最後のMCでも話をさせていただいたけど…。仮に60歳までEXILEを頑張れたとして、あと何回ツアーできるんだろうって、ふと思ったんです。あえて不安を煽るわけでもなければ、嘘やキレイごとを言いたくもないから、正直に…。もちろん年齢を重ねれば、若い時と同じペースではだんだんとできなくなってくるもので…。そう考えれば一回一回があらためて、ありがたく、そして大切に感じられるから。それは、観てくださるみなさんにとっても、届けるこちら側にとっても、人生の中の貴重な時間であることに違いはないから。40歳を目前に控え、ふとそんなことを感じた大切な大切な2日間だったんだと、今あらためて感じています。関西の皆さん、僕の人生において、最高にステキな時間を、本当にありがとうございます。感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました…。ありがとう。ありがとう。 メンバーの勇退や、大切な人との別れなどを経験したからこそ感じるモノが、この胸の中には確かにある。 今のメンバーとあと何回エンターテイメントできるのかな…。 支えてくれるスタッフと、あといくつのエンターテイメントを作れるのかな…。 キャプテンをはじめとするバンドメンバーと、あと何回、音楽を奏でられるかな…。 EXILEを好きでいてくれるみなさんと、あと何回、幸せを共有できるかな…。  2016年のIT’S SHOW TIME、そして今年の2月に、ソロの凱旋復活ライブで京セラドームでもコーラスを担当してくれたKeithが突然この世を去ってしまった…。今この瞬間は決して当たり前じゃないよね。Keith本当にありがとう…。またいつか一緒に歌おうね。心よりご冥福をお祈りします。  Osaka! Live at the Kyocera Dome. Thank you for the incredible 2 days! There is something really emotional about this show. As I said on stage.... Assuming that I could continue EXILE until I’m 60 years old, I wonder how many more tours I could do.  I do not want to tell lies so let me be honest. Of course, with age, we gradually become unable health wise and cannot continue at the same pace as when we are young. If you think this way, you can be grateful for every moment. Time is a valuable thing. For us and also for those who come to watch us. I feel this more and more now that I am almost 40 years old. Everyone in the Kansai area! Thank you for the wonderful time. I am filled with gratitude. Thank you. Thank you. In my heart I feel so much since I have experienced a lot, such as members leaving the group or saying goodbye.  I wonder how many more times I can entertain you with the current members.  I wonder how many more shows can be made with the current staff.  How many times can I play music with Captain and the other band members?  How many times can I share happiness with everyone who likes EXILE ...?  Keith who was in charge of the chorus for the IT'S SHOW TIME Show in 2016 and my comeback show this February suddenly left this world .... This is still surreal. Keith. Thank you so much .... Let's sing someday again. We pray for your soul from the bottom of my heart.

exile_atsushi_officialさん(@exile_atsushi_official)が投稿した動画 -

ATSUSHIのインスタグラム(exile_atsushi_official) - 10月17日 21時42分


2016年のIT’S SHOW TIME、そして今年の2月に、ソロの凱旋復活ライブで京セラドームでもコーラスを担当してくれたKeithが突然この世を去ってしまった…。今この瞬間は決して当たり前じゃないよね。Keith本当にありがとう…。またいつか一緒に歌おうね。心よりご冥福をお祈りします。

Osaka! Live at the Kyocera Dome. Thank you for the incredible 2 days! There is something really emotional about this show. As I said on stage.... Assuming that I could continue EXILE until I’m 60 years old, I wonder how many more tours I could do. 
I do not want to tell lies so let me be honest. Of course, with age, we gradually become unable health wise and cannot continue at the same pace as when we are young. If you think this way, you can be grateful for every moment. Time is a valuable thing. For us and also for those who come to watch us. I feel this more and more now that I am almost 40 years old. Everyone in the Kansai area! Thank you for the wonderful time. I am filled with gratitude. Thank you. Thank you.
In my heart I feel so much since I have experienced a lot, such as members leaving the group or saying goodbye. 
I wonder how many more times I can entertain you with the current members. 
I wonder how many more shows can be made with the current staff. 
How many times can I play music with Captain and the other band members? 
How many times can I share happiness with everyone who likes EXILE ...?

Keith who was in charge of the chorus for the IT'S SHOW TIME Show in 2016 and my comeback show this February suddenly left this world .... This is still surreal. Keith. Thank you so much .... Let's sing someday again. We pray for your soul from the bottom of my heart.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




