エブロ・ダーデンのインスタグラム(oldmanebro) - 10月9日 01時46分

Facts only! ・・・
One of the most disturbing forms of white supremacy is being told that because someone did truly evil deeds a very long time ago that their evil no longer matters. That’s a lie.

I am a historian by training. Every credible historian I know will tell you that Columbus was an evil, violent, genuinely awful human being. He should NEVER be celebrated. He pillaged and raped and bought and sold human beings. Historians say he was an early sex trafficker of girls as young as 9 years old. He beheaded people. Cut off ears. Regularly even had his own people hung for minor offenses. He never even stepped foot in the continental United States.
Listen to me: those crimes against humanity do not have an expiration date. He never should’ve been celebrated.

#RP @shaunking

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