When Dr. Christine Blasey Ford walked in to face the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 27, raised her right hand and swore to tell the truth, it was clear that an unassuming psychology professor and mother of two was about to change the course of current events in real time. “I am here today not because I want to be,” Ford said to Senators, who were prepared to assess her allegation that Judge Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her some 36 years ago, a charge he vigorously denies. “I am terrified.” At stake was a potential lifetime appointment to the #SupremeCourt that could change decades of legal rulings and affect the nation’s faith in its judiciary. The hopes and fears of #women and men who have lived with the trauma of sexual violence were riding on the credibility of Ford’s testimony. By the time the hearing ended, Ford had done more than prove herself a credible witness. Women called into C-SPAN to tell their own, decades-old stories of harassment and rape. #WhyIDidntReport exploded on social media, a rallying cry for those who had never gone public about their own sexual assault until then. Ford’s testimony slowed the machinery of political power when it was fully in gear. An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released Oct. 3 found that 45% of respondents thought Ford was telling the truth, compared to 33% who believed Kavanaugh. That’s a marked shift from 1991, when Americans sided with Clarence Thomas after Anita Hill accused him of sexual harassment. The facts remain unsettled, and Ford’s testimony may not prevent Kavanaugh’s confirmation. But it was a powerful warning that wealth, status and a record of professional accomplishments were no longer enough to override credible allegations of sexual assault, no matter when they occurred. To young #men, it was a message that drunken violence could shadow them. To victims, Ford’s testimony was an invitation to speak up, no matter how powerful the accused, no matter how long ago the attack. People will listen, the country seemed to reassure them. We will believe you. Read this week’s cover story on TIME.com. Illustration by John Mavroudis (@zenpop) for TIME; animation by @brobeldesign

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TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 10月4日 21時12分

When Dr. Christine Blasey Ford walked in to face the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 27, raised her right hand and swore to tell the truth, it was clear that an unassuming psychology professor and mother of two was about to change the course of current events in real time. “I am here today not because I want to be,” Ford said to Senators, who were prepared to assess her allegation that Judge Brett Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her some 36 years ago, a charge he vigorously denies. “I am terrified.” At stake was a potential lifetime appointment to the #SupremeCourt that could change decades of legal rulings and affect the nation’s faith in its judiciary. The hopes and fears of #women and men who have lived with the trauma of sexual violence were riding on the credibility of Ford’s testimony. By the time the hearing ended, Ford had done more than prove herself a credible witness. Women called into C-SPAN to tell their own, decades-old stories of harassment and rape. #WhyIDidntReport exploded on social media, a rallying cry for those who had never gone public about their own sexual assault until then. Ford’s testimony slowed the machinery of political power when it was fully in gear. An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released Oct. 3 found that 45% of respondents thought Ford was telling the truth, compared to 33% who believed Kavanaugh. That’s a marked shift from 1991, when Americans sided with Clarence Thomas after Anita Hill accused him of sexual harassment. The facts remain unsettled, and Ford’s testimony may not prevent Kavanaugh’s confirmation. But it was a powerful warning that wealth, status and a record of professional accomplishments were no longer enough to override credible allegations of sexual assault, no matter when they occurred. To young #men, it was a message that drunken violence could shadow them. To victims, Ford’s testimony was an invitation to speak up, no matter how powerful the accused, no matter how long ago the attack. People will listen, the country seemed to reassure them. We will believe you. Read this week’s cover story on TIME.com. Illustration by John Mavroudis (@zenpop) for TIME; animation by @brobeldesign


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