I’ve been modeling for about 20 years now and still have some hesitations to say that I am a model. That’s because of the image I put on what models looks like or are supposed to be like. I am definitely not the typical model type. And especially now that I’m 38, I look at my old modeling pictures and get conscious about my wrinkles and how my body looks now. Just the other day when I was working as a model, a thought crossed my mind. A thought of “I have too many wrinkles and my body is not as firm and young anymore so I shouldn’t be doing this...” I started to lose confidence in myself. That’s when I decided to get out of that negative self talk and stepped into being the woman I want to be. A gentle, trusting, committed and worthy woman! I started to shift my mind into enjoying what I was doing and really honoring myself for being able to still model at this age and do what I love for a living. I was stand up paddling for 2 hours after a day of surfing big waves for about 5 hours. And I did outrigger canoeing after all of that with just 4 hours of sleep! I am appreciative of this healthy body and these opportunities that people give me to do what I love doing. For all the women out there, I want you to acknowledge and appreciate all of you including all the imperfections and flaws. Because we are all perfect just the way we are❤️ 20年モデルというお仕事をしていても、未だに自分がモデルだと言うのに抵抗がある。 それは自分がモデルという職業に持っている固定概念があるから。プラスこの歳になり以前の雑誌に載っている写真を見ては随分シワも増えて身体も若い頃とは違ってきていると感じるとモデルのお仕事をしていていいのかしら?と先日お仕事中に思い始めて自信を無くしそうになりかけた時にその思考をストップさせました。自信の無さや不安な気持ちがつくりだす自分に対してのマイナストークにすぐストップをかく思考をプラスにchange. 自分が頂いたお仕事をエンジョイする、この歳でも好きな事をお仕事として出来ている環境、それを支えて下さっている人々に感謝をするという方向に思考をシフトしました。 大きな波の中で何時間もサーフィンをして、その次の日にはSUPを2時間ほどして、Outrigger Canoeを漕いでボートに乗ってと少ない睡眠時間の中でもフルにactiveにお仕事が出来る自分の身体に感謝。 これを読んで下さっている女性の皆さん、 自分の身体、好きなところもそうでない部分も全部含めて感謝して愛して下さい。 パーフェクトで無い中にパーフェクションがあるから❤️ #lilylotus #hawaii #perfectbody #loveyourself #model #womenempowerment #perfectinperfection #ハワイ#自分を愛して #感謝 #モデル #パーフェクト

angelamakivernonさん(@angelamakivernon)が投稿した動画 -

アンジェラ・磨紀・バーノンのインスタグラム(angelamakivernon) - 10月2日 09時47分

I’ve been modeling for about 20 years now and still have some hesitations to say that I am a model.
That’s because of the image I put on what models looks like or are supposed to be like. I am definitely not the typical model type. And especially now that I’m 38, I look at my old modeling pictures and get conscious about my wrinkles and how my body looks now. Just the other day when I was working as a model, a thought crossed my mind. A thought of “I have too many wrinkles and my body is not as firm and young anymore so I shouldn’t be doing this...” I started to lose confidence in myself.

That’s when I decided to get out of that negative self talk and stepped into being the woman I want to be. A gentle, trusting, committed and worthy woman! I started to shift my mind into enjoying what I was doing and really honoring myself for being able to still model at this age and do what I love for a living. I was stand up paddling for 2 hours after a day of surfing big waves for about 5 hours. And I did outrigger canoeing after all of that with just 4 hours of sleep! I am appreciative of this healthy body and these opportunities that people give me to do what I love doing.
For all the women out there, I want you to acknowledge and appreciate all of you including all the imperfections and flaws. Because we are all perfect just the way we are❤️ 20年モデルというお仕事をしていても、未だに自分がモデルだと言うのに抵抗がある。
大きな波の中で何時間もサーフィンをして、その次の日にはSUPを2時間ほどして、Outrigger Canoeを漕いでボートに乗ってと少ない睡眠時間の中でもフルにactiveにお仕事が出来る自分の身体に感謝。

パーフェクトで無い中にパーフェクションがあるから❤️ #lilylotus #hawaii #perfectbody #loveyourself #model #womenempowerment #perfectinperfection #ハワイ#自分を愛して #感謝 #モデル #パーフェクト


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