ナイジェル・バーカーのインスタグラム(nigelbarker) - 10月1日 06時10分

If you are anything like me and you enjoy making Apple photobooks (or any kind of photobook) you might have heard that today, September 30th, Apple is discontinuing it’s photo printing service! Yikes you might think, how will I make reprints of my books and how will I go on to make new books of the same style and quality as all my previous books? Well luckily for all of us @mimeophotos has created the only APP on the market that allows you to convert or reprint your existing Apple photo projects. Mimeo Photos is the only app to support both reprints, conversions and of course original books . Use our new conversion tool to continue editing and customizing an existing Apple photo project with these simple steps:
Open an existing Apple photo project
Click Convert in the upper right-hand corner
Select @mimeophotos
It’s that easy. Once Mimeo Photos is selected, your past project will automatically convert and open in the Mimeo Photos designer. There you have the option to redesign, edit, and proof before ordering. Treat your friends and family to 25% off their photo project order with the promo code: HIMIMEO1 Go to www.mimeophotos.com to download the APP or click the link in my bio now! This discount is good until Nov 5th.

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