LOVE MAGAZINEのインスタグラム(thelovemagazine) - 9月24日 21時27分

Make yourself comfortable. Bed’s will be provided. @マルニ’s runway presentation put the live audience at one with the casual observer back home, watching on laptops in the comfort of their own homes. It was a subtle touch. But a good one. From thereon in, it was a hop, skip and jump into what goes on in the boudoir of marvellous Marni. The house felt like it was having some serious sartorial conversations, embracing classicism and ramping it right up into the moment. An alarm clock went off, to remind us not to get too comfy, either physically or with our assumptions. We loved the exits from @banasjulia (pictured) and the striking figure of emerging London alt-star, @jessmaybury. See the rest of @hunterabrams photographs on


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