ダニエル・オハラのインスタグラム(missdlloyd) - 9月24日 02時54分

A few weeks ago, I posted about trying out an @avawomen fertility tracking bracelet and I know lots of you were interested to know how it works and what I think of it. I put it on at night and it tracks lots of health information so whether you use it for cycle tracking, to assess your fertile window or even your stress levels and sleep quality, it’s really helpful. It has been great to understand my body’s natural rhythm more so that when we are ready, we’ll have the best possible chance of conceiving!
If you want to buy an @avawomen bracelet yourself, you can get £20 off using DANIELLE20 at checkout.
#avawomen #avabracelet #talkabouttrying #fertility #tryingtoconceive #pregnancy #womenshealth #fertilityissues#ourttcjourney


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