ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月22日 09時00分

Photo by @BrianSkerry | A large Tiger Shark swims within a shallow water region in The Bahamas that researchers believe might be a ‘maternity ward’ where pregnant females spend time before pupping. Despite a reputation as one of the most adaptable predators in the ocean, life for tiger sharks is not always easy. Over fishing and climate change can effect the abundance of their prey, making some years rather lean. Science is revealing this species to be far more complex with cognitive abilities and behaviors that show a highly evolved creature with fascinating characteristics. Divers that spend time with these animals frequently describe the ‘personality’ of animals they see often.
Follow @BrianSkerry for more photos of ocean wildlife and the stories behind them!

#sharks #tigersharks #bahamas #personality #savesharks


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