オフィチーネ パネライのインスタグラム(panerai) - 9月21日 04時36分

Eilean represents Panerai artisanal excellence at the Homo Faber event in Venice taking place in Europe for the first time between September 14 and 30 2018.
With the meticulous restoration work carried out by italian shipwrights to return the ketch to her original splendor, It’s the perfect choice for this exclusive setting. ? Tomas Bertelsen / © Michelangelo Foundation
#Panerai #Eilean #HomoFaber #HomoFaber2018 #Venice #EuropeanCraftmanship #Craftmanship #Mestieridarte #metiersdart #BestMasterArtisans #MichelangeloFoundation #FondazioneCini


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