ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月18日 19時00分

Photo by @Joel Sartore | Did you know that flamingos have a very poor sense of taste and no sense of smell? This is probably a good thing, because wild lesser flamingos have specialized diets of blue-green algae and diatoms. Their diet restricts their habitats to hyper-alkaline and soda lakes and is also the reason for their pink coloring! The pigment of their feathers, legs, and face all come from the organisms they eat. As the blue-green algae they consume is digested, the pigments dissolve in fats and is transferred into the feathers, through this process the color becomes pink. Variations in their coloring can happen based on the volume they ingest. They are classified as near threatened by IUCN; and their main threats are decreasing breeding success, predation, human development, and pollution from to the soda lakes the birds rely on. #flamingos #PhotoArk


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