If Pablo Picasso had been able to see the moon up-close, what kind of paintings would he have drawn? If John Lennon could have seen the curvature of the Earth, what kind of songs would he have written? If they had gone to space, how would the world have looked today? People are creative and have a great imagination. We all have the ability to dream dreams that have never been dreamt, to sing songs that have never been sung, to paint that which has never been seen before. I hope that this project will inspire the dreamer within all of us. Together with Earth's top artists, I will be heading to the moon... just a little earlier than everyone else. I am truly blessed by this opportunity to become Host Curator of “#dearMoon”. I would like to thank Elon Musk and SpaceX for creating the opportunity to go around the moon in their BFR. I would also like to thank all those who have continuously supported me. I vouch to make this project a success. Stay tuned! *** パブロ・ピカソが月を間近に見ていたら、どんな絵を描いたんだろう。 ジョン・レノンが地球を丸く見ていたら、どんな曲を書いたんだろう。 彼らが宇宙に行っていたら、今の世界はどうなっていたんだろう。 私たちには、想像力と創造力があります。 まだ一度も見たことのないような夢を見ることができるかもしれない。 歌ったことのないような歌が歌えるかもしれない。 描いたことのないような絵が描けるかもしれない。 このプロジェクトが皆さまの夢を拡げるきっかけになることを願っています。 地球を代表するアーティストと共に、皆さまより少しだけお先に月に行ってきます。 #dearMoonホストキュレーターとして、このようなチャンスに恵まれたことを大変誇りに思います。 BFRでの月周回飛行プログラムを提供くださるイーロン・マスクさんとSpaceX社の皆さま、そしていつも僕を支えてくださる全ての関係者の皆さま、本当にありがとうございます。 このプロジェクト必ず成功させます。 楽しみにしていてください! *** @dearmoonproject #dearmoon

yusaku2020さん(@yusaku2020)が投稿した動画 -

前澤友作のインスタグラム(yusaku2020) - 9月18日 10時50分

If Pablo Picasso had been able to see the moon up-close, what kind of paintings would he have drawn?
If John Lennon could have seen the curvature of the Earth, what kind of songs would he have written?
If they had gone to space, how would the world have looked today?
People are creative and have a great imagination.
We all have the ability to dream dreams that have never been dreamt, to sing songs that have never been sung, to paint that which has never been seen before.
I hope that this project will inspire the dreamer within all of us.
Together with Earth's top artists, I will be heading to the moon... just a little earlier than everyone else.
I am truly blessed by this opportunity to become Host Curator of “#dearMoon”.
I would like to thank Elon Musk and SpaceX for creating the opportunity to go around the moon in their BFR. I would also like to thank all those who have continuously supported me.
I vouch to make this project a success. Stay tuned!






@dearmoonproject #dearmoon


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




G Magazineのインスタグラム
G Magazineさんがフォロー
