ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月16日 03時30分

Photo by @FransLanting | Right now it is brutally cold and dark in Antarctica and yet emperor penguins are incubating their eggs. They huddle together in large groups to keep each other warm. It’s the only way they can survive the extreme conditions they face during their incredible reproduction cycle on the sea ice off Antarctica. During mid-winter blizzards, when males balance the eggs on their feet to keep them off the ice, temperatures can drop to -70 degrees. When I made this image I was standing on top of a platform perched at the edge of a colony and I had to stay still to avoid spooking the birds. It was an ordeal, and it took quite a while before I got warm again, but the images were worth it. Follow me @FransLanting and @ChristineEckstrom for more images and stories from the amazing world of emperor penguins. @thephotosociety #Antarctica #Penguins #Extreme #Photography #Wildlifephotography #Cold


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