タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 9月15日 21時31分

TFW so called white allies like @mandiefresshest are encouraging ppl to attack black men over “ideas.” What happened to being a “free thinker?” Why attack anyone over anything, much less ideas? I’ve never wronged these people. I don’t know these people. Why are they encouraging attacks on me for my free speech? Is free speech only for the racists they follow? Anyone else should be attacked? This is the heart of white supremacist ideology. If you see something that you don’t like or agree with, attack it. If you see people enjoying things that don’t belong to you, attack them. Yet these same trolls turn around and cry and say I attacked them when I don’t tolerate their admittedly coordinated attacks on me. If your default is “attack” you are a shit person. That’s how we can tell Trump is hateful, he is always on the attack. More than 50% white women voters voted for Donald Trump. But I’m “crisis actor” right?


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