thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 8月31日 21時15分

African Penguin, Cape Peninsula, South Africa – Photo by Kevin Schafer – @schaferpho @ナショナルジオグラフィック // Animals rarely look their best when photographed from above. For that reason, I prefer to shoot from eye level, where pictures have more intimacy, and my subjects are often more relaxed, more accepting. (Simply said, if you’re not getting dirty taking pictures, you’re not at the best angle.) So I was a little discouraged to discover a newly-raised walkway at the African Penguin colony near Cape Town. I applauded the effort to protect the penguins, but I despaired of getting a good image from above.Then I saw it: a male penguin displaying with a long afternoon shadow. For months I had wanted to illustrate how spectacularly well-adapted penguins are for life in the sea, and suddenly, that rocket-shaped shadow was perfect. Tapered at both ends, with strong fins for speed and maneuverability, penguins are designed for precisely what they do - shoot through the water like no other bird on Earth. And this one picture, of a displaying African Penguin, helped me tell that story. And it was a picture I would never have seen if I hadn’t been forced to a new vantage point, a different perspective. Lesson learned. #bouldersbeach #perfectseabird #penguinplanet


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