Kevin Richardson LionWhisperer のインスタグラム(lionwhisperersa) - 8月29日 22時22分

There are some people/ organizations that argue that my interactions send the wrong message and actually encourage people to go and pet a lion/hyena or even buy a lion/hyena as a pet. However, what I have seen is that my platform gives me a powerful voice to speak on behalf of the animals, and share the messages that need to be portrayed. What I’ve also seen is that most people understand the deeper relationships and commitment that I have worked on over years, and respect that. We are simply not getting the message of awareness of the dwindling populations of wild animals through quick enough and are losing the battle in many instances. If I can use my public profile to reach people in parts of the world that other organizations battle to reach, and help spread the word and inspire change, then that can’t be such a bad thing. "In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught." Baba Dioum
Photo credit @leticiacoxphoto
#reconnectwithnature #savehabitat #savelions #savehyenas #rebelconservation


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