クロエ・ルーカジアックのインスタグラム(chloelukasiak) - 8月27日 05時10分

I did this awhile ago, but I thought I would bring it back! To my new and old followers, here are a few random facts about me?
1. I love baking and I get that from my Grammy Kathy! When I was little, I would sometimes help her bake and I do it as often as I can now. I love baking brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and blueberry muffins ?
2. My feet are ALWAYS COLD. I’m, like, almost positive I have a blood circulation problem in my feet, but I’ve never looked into it ? I always have to wear thick socks or slippers otherwise, they’re blue.
3. My favorite book genre is fantasy, but I’ve been trying to expand my taste. My mom reads a lot of books about murderers, like Helter Skelter and The Stranger Beside Me- so those are next on my TBR list ?However, I’m always looking for recs so please leave some in the comments!
4. I have a medical condition called Silent Sinus Syndrome?‍⚕️ I had to have 3 surgeries to correct it, but the entire process of being diagnosed to my final check-up was about 4 years long.
5. A few of my favorite places I’ve traveled to outside of the country are London, New Zealand, and Jamaica. I plan to travel as long as I can and Italy is next on my list ✈️
6. This one is silly, but I’ve been thinking of dying my hair strawberry blonde.... thoughts?! ?‍♀️
Enough about me- I want to know about YOU! Comment down below a random fact about yourself ?


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Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
Kalani Hillikerさんがフォロー

