ティーガン・プレスリーのインスタグラム(msteagan) - 8月27日 01時24分

I have always been very open with my personal life to my fans for the past 15 years. Sometimes too open, but I believe it is what has made you all such loyal fans of mine throughout these many years.
So, it is with devastating anguish and sadness that I have to finally admit to which from my recent despair has come from.
I was recently in the hospital and had an unimaginable accident happen that terminated my pregnancy against me and my bodies will. I believe it was not due to me or the vessel to which that was carrying my baby but due to the traumatic accident that caused the passing of my unborn child. My family is deeply saddened and is taking this personal time to grieve in what would’ve been a joyous time for us.
Thank you for all the well wishes and concern for my family. We greatly appreciate it. ~ Teagan & @43_oak

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